Writing Somethin'

2/3 of a year has passed in 2022. What I could do in this year passes through my noodle. I'll write about it.

First, I graduated my university. Now I'm a student of master. 

Second, I got a driver's license, and I drived several times. Driving is so fun. By driving, you can obtain a new point of view about safety. I feel it's interesting.

Third, I started several things. For example, soroban, Arduino, camera. Soroban is Japanese traditional calculating machine or way to think. Arduino is a kit which is used for making something for electronic devices. I started taking pictures with a camera my father gave me. One of the purpose of learning camera is to study optics.

Finally, my output for 2/3 years was not good. I hope I can more learn more enjoy and more make something. There's enough time to do something, but there's little time to laze. I want to recognize "Your current effort makes you brilliant in the future." always.